Legal Notice and Data Protection

In compliance with the duty of information stipulated in article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July 2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), as well as that relating to EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPD-GDD), the purpose of this legal notice is to regulate the use of the website being the owner:

  1. Company Name: Ayuntamiento de Dos Hermanas
  2. VAT NO: P4103800A
  3. Registration: Registration No. 01410384, 6 October 1986.
  4. Registered Office: Plaza de la Constitución 1, 41700, Dos Hermanas, Seville
  5. Telephone: 954919524/689234180
  6. E-mail:  protecciondedatos@doshermanas.e

The website is aimed at any person (hereinafter, the "User") who wishes to submit their details in order to request information and/or carry out any of the procedures provided by Dos Hermanas Town Council, as well as to manage the appointments requested or files to which they are party through the web forms included on the website.

We inform you that in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations (LPACAP) regarding the right and obligation to interact electronically with the Public Administrations, there may or may not be an obligation to interact with the administration by electronic means:

  • Natural person: free choice face-to-face or electronicand may change it at any time.
  • Legal persons, entities without legal personality, professional associations, notaries, registrars, public employees and other groups obliged in accordance with their specific legislation.compulsorily via electronics.

Therefore, for a correct use of the website, we recommend that you carefully read the aforementioned clauses whenever you wish to access and make use of the information and services offered on the website.

User Commitment

By accessing this Website, the User expressly accepts all of the clauses of this legal information, of its privacy policyand its cookies policyThe User agrees to the terms and conditions of use of this Website, as well as all the specific conditions set out for the use of certain services. In the event of not accepting any of the aforementioned clauses, the User must refrain from accessing this Website.

The user expressly undertakes to use the website correctly, refraining from using this website in any way that may impede, damage or deteriorate the normal functioning of the website and the goods and services of MP and other users. The following is prohibited, but not limited to:

  • Disseminate violent, criminal, pornographic, racist and generally unlawful content.
  • Introduce malware elements or carry out actions that may entail alteration, interruption and/or damage and errors in the data and/or files owned by the entity or third parties; as well as hindering the access of other users to the website and its services.
  • Attempts to access other users' data, including access data to access restricted areas.
  • Infringement of intellectual property rights, as well as breaching the confidentiality of the Provider's or third parties' information.
  • Impersonating third parties.
  • Collect data for advertising purposes and to send advertising of any kind and communications for sales or other commercial purposes without prior consent.

The user undertakes to take all appropriate measures to ensure the confidentiality and preservation of his access code and will not disclose it to anyone.

Any operation carried out on the Website using the User's access codes shall be deemed to have been carried out on behalf of the User and under the User's responsibility. The entity or any other administration User of the Website may not be held responsible for any fraudulent use of the access code.

Commitment of the Administration

  • Accessibility of website services

The entity undertakes to put in place all the means at its disposal in order to offer the best possible services to users and to facilitate their access.

To this end, the entity shall endeavour to keep the Website accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, access may be interrupted at the initiative of the administration or its suppliers in charge of the implementation and hosting of the Website for maintenance or any other technical reason. In these specific cases of interruption, the entity shall ensure that the user is informed in advance and that the duration of the interruption is limited.

This administration also reserves the right to interrupt access to the services, and excludes and limits its liability, always within the limits permitted by current legislation, for any type of liability for damages of any kind arising from:

  • Damages caused by the misuse that the User may make of its website.
  • Alterations in the service caused by failures in the electrical network, in the data connection network, in the server or in any of the services, as well as failures in the event of attacks caused by denial of service, malware, etc. and which may cause damage to the computer systems, electronic documents or files of the Users of its website.
  • The actions of third parties that infringe intellectual and industrial property rights, as well as the regulations on unfair competition and illegal advertising.
  • The impossibility of accessing the website or the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness and/or timeliness of the content, as well as the existence of vices and defects of any kind in the content transmitted, disseminated, stored, made available, accessed through the website or the services offered.
  • The receipt by the administration of a request for suspension or restriction of access to the Website made by an administrative or judicial authority or at the request of a third party.
  • Data security and confidentiality

The entity complies with the requirements of data protection regulations, undertaking, in particular, to guarantee the security of the data, maintaining their confidentiality, integrity and availability, as well as not to use them for purposes other than the management of appointments and information requested by the user and their follow-up.


Copyright and intellectual property

The intellectual property rights of the content of the web pages, their graphic design and codes belong exclusively to the Ayuntamiento de Dos Hermanas or it has the appropriate rights and/or authorisations for their publication on the website and, therefore, their reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity that may be carried out with the content of its web pages is prohibited, not even quoting the sources, except with the written consent of the Ayuntamiento de Dos Hermanas or the exclusive owner of the right.

It is also strictly prohibited to collect and use the information available on the Website for commercial purposes.

This prohibition extends in particular, by way of illustration only, to any editorial element present on the Website, screen layout, software necessary for browsing, logos, images, photos and graphics of any kind.

Privacy Policy

In accordance with current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the personal data provided will be processed by the Dos Hermanas Town Council with address at Plaza de la Constitución 1, 41700, Dos Hermanas, Seville.

The data provided by you are necessary for the creation of the applicant profile, and will be processed solely for the purpose of managing and attending to your application submitted through the forms on the website in the best possible way. This data will only be processed by Dos Hermanas Town Council and will not be shared with member establishments or any other third party.

Further details on data processing and data protection can be found in our privacy policy [paste hyperlink or link to data protection policy].

Use of Hyperlinks

Those Users who wish to link to this website from their own websites must comply with the following conditions, and ignorance of these conditions shall not prevent the responsibilities derived from the Law.

The link will only link to the homepage or main page of the website, but may not reproduce it in any way. It shall be prohibited in any case, to establish frames of any kind that surround the website or allow the visualisation of the contents through Internet addresses other than those of the website and, in any case, when they are visualised together with contents outside the website in such a way that:

  • Produces, or may produce, error, confusion or deception in users as to the true origin of the service or Contents;
  • Assume an act of unfair comparison or imitation;
  • It serves to build on the brand reputation and prestige of Ayuntamiento de Dos Hermanas.
  • In any other way that is prohibited by the legislation in force.

The page that introduces the link may not make any false, inaccurate or incorrect statements about the provider, its management, employees, clients or about the quality of the services it provides.

Under no circumstances shall it be stated on the page where the link is located that the provider has given its consent for the insertion of the link or that it otherwise sponsors, collaborates with, verifies or supervises the services of the sender.

The use of any word, graphic or mixed brand or any other distinctive sign of the provider within the sender's web page is prohibited except in cases permitted by law or expressly authorised by the provider and provided that, in these cases, a direct link to the web page is permitted in the manner established in this clause.

The page that establishes the link must comply faithfully with the law and may not under any circumstances provide or link to its own content or that of third parties that:

  • are unlawful, harmful or contrary to morality and decency (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.);
  • Induce or may induce in the User the false conception that the provider subscribes to, endorses, adheres to or in any way supports the ideas, statements or expressions, legal or illegal, of the sender;
  • Are inappropriate or irrelevant to the activity of the provider in view of the place, content and subject matter of the sender's website. Likewise, the User shall refrain from including on the website any hyperlink (hereinafter, "link") to a website that contains information or content that is illicit, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs and public order.

Charter of Autonomy

This Legal Notice is subject to current Spanish legislation. For any type of dispute arising from the use of the services offered or the contents of the Website, the parties, with the acceptance of the clauses established in this Legal Notice, will submit to the competent Courts and Tribunals of Seville.

Should any of the clauses described in the Legal Notice be declared null and void, the remaining clauses will continue to be applicable, without being affected by the declaration of nullity, applying the regulations that have a supplementary nature where applicable.


Dos Hermanas Town Council directs its services to users of different ages. The collection of user data will be done in accordance with free, express and informed consent, through the acceptance of the processing of data collected in our web form. The consent of minors under 14 years of age who wish to use our services must be given by their parents or guardians. Those over this age can give their consent for their data to be collected, except in those cases where the law requires them to be assisted by their parents or guardians. We inform you that the Ayuntamiento de Dos Hermanas is not responsible for the possible consequences that may arise from failure to comply with the notice established in this clause. 

Security measures

The Holder has contracted a SSL ("Secure Sockets Layer") certificate for its website.

An SSL certificate protects all personal and confidential information that can be handled on a website, regardless of the information that is being transmitted, for example, from any of the website's contact forms to the server, or data entered for newsletter subscriptions or access to protected areas, etc.

The website address will appear in green, activating the "https" protocol that allows secure connections from a web server to the user's browser..


Last update: February 2024

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